Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lead Ban Legislation

I am not one to politicize a fishing blog, so I promise to address only topics that directly impact fishing, and if I should shut up, say so. I support numerous efforts to improve the quality of our waterways in CT, and preserve and enhance fish stocks. However, some people seem to want to target the one group of people who collectively do more to protect and support our state's natural resources than any other, recreational fisherman and hunters. I just took action expressing my opposition to S.B. 59 in an effort to fight against burdensome and unwarranted fishing tackle regulations that would ban the sale and use all tackle containing lead in CT. I have not seen any credible scientific data that tackle use is a significant contributor to pollution or habitat degradation. If someone can point some out, I am more than willing to listen. I am far more concerned about the "Made in China" toys my knucklehead kids put in their mouths than the effect of my tackle on the environment, and suggest these do-gooders redirect more of their efforts and scarce state $$$ to address this issue. I encourage you to let elected officials hear our voice! For more information, visit
(Italicized reprinted w/ permission of

Many thanks for contacting me regarding Senate Bill 59. Please know
that I expect to vigorously oppose this legislation as I do not believe
it is necessary. I am grateful to hear from you and appreciate your
interest in our work.


Andrew Roraback
State Senator
30th District

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