With the popularity of guns like the Glock 43 (which I often carry), the M&P9 Shield, and Sigs new P365, Ruger introduced the EC9s in December, based on its popular LC9s. It's essentially the LC9 with fixed sights on the slide and one 7 round mag to cut costs down to a $299 MSRP. I had a chance to grab one for just over $200 out the door, and was still well under $300 with a couple of extended mags and an Alien Gear Holsters IWB holster. It's compatible with LC9 magazines and accessories. The extended pinky grip gives it a better feel than my flush 6 round 43 magazine. As for the fixed, black iron sights, that was a $.79 fix thanks to Testors. It's a bit redneckish, but you're talking about a firearm that costs less than many sight systems. Point is, I can see and hit what I'm shooting at. Take down is easy, though you need a paper clip or something to push out a pin. I don't like having a small pin popping out, which isn't an issue with Glocks. In addition, my Glock has been impervious to conditions out on the boat in a saltwater environment. Still, this seems to be a great little gun for less than half the price of it's competitors. I 've put 200 rounds of CCI Blazer and Winchester 115gr through with zero problems. #Ruger #EC9s #AlienGearHolsters #BigfootGunbelts